April 30, 2010

Friday Flowers: Garden Roses

Happy Friday!  I've just returned from picking my weekly basket of roses from my rose garden.

Here's what my plants yielded this week:
We've moved! Please join us at Ariel Yve Design

Not bad for so early on in the season.  Last year I discovered that if I don't cut them every week, my 60 bushes grow to height of 7+ feet.  I call them my Frankenstein plans.  I do absolutely nothing to them other than water them.  I guess they're just good old heart stock...stock that I bought on sale for $3.99 a plant 2 years ago at my local Lowes.  OK, not all of my bushes are from Lowes, but a good 70% are.  The remainder of my plants are gorgeous heirloom garden roses from Jackson Perkins (LOVE!).

Anyway, I wanted to remind you that I am still running a contest to win this ethereal, 34" handmade veil.  Created and sponsored by Veiled Beauty ($65 value):

In a comment below, simply tell me about your fantasy garden.  Would it be a woodland garden full of hostas and lily of the valley?  Maybe you love succulents.  Perhaps you're you a sucker for roses like I am?  Anyway, leave a comment below.  The winner will be selected over this coming weekend.

Anyway, be sure to leave your comment. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I would have a romanesque statue in the middle with english ivy planted around it so that it covers the base up the statue up a bit. I would trim the ivy so that the ivy looks like it had been there forever but you can still see the majority of the statue. I would place peony bushes as well as ivory and blush rose bushes sporatically spaced around the space to give the garden a careless, almost neglected. I would also have a pathway that meandered through the space that was overgrown to look neglected as well.

  2. The roses are gorgeous! My ideal garden would be divided into quadrants, I love too many varieties to choose. I would live a Zen garden when I need quiet time, Rose & Peony when I'm feeling romantic, an English garden when I'm entertaining my girlfriends and a huge apple, pear tress with a strawberry patch.

  3. Kristen PhillipsMay 1, 2010 at 9:45 PM

    Ariel, the roses from your garden are so beautiful. There is nothing I love more than when Cherry Blossom Trees are in bloom. The shades of white and pink and purple shimmer as the wind blows through the branches. I find them soft, romantic, and clean. I would lay down small, smooth white and brown pebbles over the center of the area in the shape of a square and interlace the pebbles with large, beautiful slate stepping stones. I would place chocolate-brown modern outdoor furniture in the shape of a crescent moon to create a space to relax and enjoy the garden. Surronding the sitting area, I would plant three large Cherry Blossom Trees, one behind and the other two on the left and right of the furniture. In between, I would fill in with plants that hold loads of color and play with textures to compliment the blossoms. I envision the blossoms forming a caccoon around the sitting area. I would place lavander plants at the entrance of the area and around the furniture so that guests will suddenly receive whiffs of the calming fragrance. I would intregrate luminaries along the walkway and sitting area to bring warm light to the garden just after dusk. I would use pots that differ in height and width and plant different vegetables and herbs that I enjoy cooking with for my family. I would place these pots around the area and admire what nature provides, while relaxing in this romantic, clean space. Thank you for the challenge...I had a nice time dreaming about it!
