January 28, 2010

5 Tips for Brides-To-Be to Lower Stress and Drop Weight

I'm always looking for ways to help keep my life balanced and well rounded, and I'm sure you are too.

That's why today's post is coming from a fabulous health and fitness expert named Sheri Lynn (who happens to also be a family friend).
Her knowledge about the human body and how it reacts to stress, fitness and nutrition is downright mind boggling.
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Sheri's Post:


Stress is tough on the body and can lead to fat gain. Aside from the basic response of random snacking as a stress reaction, there are stress hormones (like cortisol) that are released in the body that can make weight management a nightmare! Your body does not know the difference between eustress (good stress, like getting married) and distress (bad stress, like a divorce!). Stress management is critical to looking your best on your big day.

1) Drink water! Drink at least 3 quarts/day. This will keep your body hydrated, your skin looking it’s best, and help cut down on random snacking.

2) Avoid alcohol. I know, with all the parties, this is tough. Alcohol’s effect on your liver makes this the number fat gain substance, as well as adding to physical stress and less-than-perfect skin!

3) Don't touch sugar! A moment on the lips, a year on the hips. The rising blood sugar and resultant lows will tank your energy. You don't need that right now.

4) Cut WAY down on salt. Salt instructs your cells to hold water. This equals bloat, as well as contributing to the liver’s inability to burn fat. Leave the salty stuff alone.

5) Take 3 deep breathes every single hour. 3 long, lung filled, slow, breaths. Oxygen will calm your nerves, allow your brain to function better, and keeps your skin pretty.

Excellent reminders for us all. I know, I often forget to breathe.

Sheri owns a one of a kind company called Genesis Transformation, which creates fat loss/fitness systems custom tailored for each of their clients. They offer a proven approach that combines clean eating, accountability, sound science and emotional support to get fantastic results...all done using their award-winning online food journaling tool (called Genesis) along with affordable weekly phone coaching.

For more information or real before and after pictures, click here.
If you like Sheri's simple, real world tips, you can sign up for Genesis Transformation's free monthly fat loss/fitness newsletter, click here.

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