December 14, 2009

In Memory of My Dear Corky

I write today's blog post with a broken heart. This is totally unrelated to the nature of my typical posts, but I just have to get this off my chest.

At 5:10am last Thursday, I received the phone call that I'd hoped I'd never receive. We've moved! Please visit Ariel Yve Design to finish reading this post.
It was a call from the vet who'd been caring for my horse Corky, who had been at Alamo Pintado Equine Hospital for over a month, due to a severe case of pneumonia/infection. She said "I'm looks like his fight is coming to an end." I though to myself "what do you mean...he looked healthier and happier than he had in a long time, just yesterday. How could this happen?" How could I go on without my best friend; My inspiration; My soul mate?

The days following Corky's passing, I received tons of notes from my friends expressing their condolences....which really helped lighten my mood, but really what can one say? He was like my child and my parent....I took care of him and he took care of me. We understood each other to the core and constantly brought out the best in each other. He wasn't just a special horse to me. He was the love of my life. 16 years of unconditional pure love.

I will miss him more than words can express.

Anyway, Just hours after Corky's passing, the vets called me with a final set of test results, which revealed that my boy's pneumonia/infection was actually the result of an advanced case of Lymphoma. I was completely stunned and found myself asking once again, "How could this happen?" Apparently there are no tests for Equine Lymphoma, nor are there any treatments.
Though this news couldn't bring him back, I somehow felt a sense of relief knowing that he went because it was truly his time. I feel so grateful to have had the means and resources to send him to place that was able to keep him comfortable and happy during the final weeks of of life.
I've been told by a number of people that I need to write a book. I never knew what to write about...but now I know. I'm going to write a book about love, in honor of the one I loved most. I don't know when it will be finished or who will publish it, but I do know is that I have to do it, and I know that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to an animal rights fund as well as the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

If you've ever written a book, or have connections with a publisher, please email me with any potentially helpful information. Info{at}

Sorry for the sad post, but I hope that I can inspire you to take inventory of who is the most important to you in your life. Take time today to be grateful and tell them how much they mean to you as genuinely as possible.

May you rest in peace my dear sweet Mr. Corky.


  1. Ariel, your post brought tears to my eyes! He was a beautiful horse! A book sounds like a great idea! :) XOXO - Jenae

  2. What a beautiful expression of love, Ariel. I hold you and your beloved Corky in my heart.
    Peggy La Cerra

  3. I am so sorry Ariel! He loved you so much. It was so beautiful to see you both together and to speak with you both. You are both in my prayers. Sending you lots of love and blessings, Laura

  4. I'm so sorry Ariel! I know your horse is in a better place.

  5. Thank you so much for all of your kind comments ladies. He meant the earth the moon and the starts to me.
