November 2, 2009

New Business Cards

I hope you had a wonderful weekend full of candy and fun.

This past Friday, I picked up a little treat of my own from Frank Boross of Toxic Coyote Press. My new letterpress business cards! Note, these images were taken with my iPhone, so they actually look a lot better in person. Enough said about my crappy photography skills, here they are:
We've moved! Please finish reading this post at: Ariel Yve Design

I can't wait to see you in person so I can show you how cool they really look. If you'd like to see one for real before then, just email me your mailing address,

1 comment:

  1. i love the cards, i'll take one! :)
    just wanted to let you know the mccormick ranch wedding is up on my blog if you want to show your client!!
