September 25, 2009

Friday Flowers: Manzanita with Red Butterflies

At the this year's Emmy's, we saw scads of young starlets as well as seasoned pros sporting gorgeous gowns in every shade of red.
We've moved! Please continue being inspired at: Ariel Yve Design

To tie this surprising "it" color for Fall in with my post featured on Wednesday (Monarch Butterfly details), I just had to feature these gorgeous pictures from a spread featured a while back in Pacific Weddings Magazine.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. In looking at the beautiful pictures above and the "red" drink, it reminded me of signature drinks. I am seeking a very tasty "orange" in color signature drink for my wedding next year.

    Also, I need some assistance in determining the point in which the signature drinks are presented.

    The drink will be named, The Perfect Duo, as a reminder of my wonderful fiancee and myself!

    Thank you bunches!

  2. Hey Nicole,

    That is a bit of a complex question with an even more complex answer. Give me a call when you get a moment, 310-614-1073.

  3. I don't think I'll ever get tired of looking at the color red. Beautiful!!
